you're a mystery yourself
Saturday, January 5, 2013
3:17 PM

Oh great, less than a week and problems again.
Last Friday, after the talk, I have decided to let everything go and be NORMAL FRIENDS.
But there you are, talking to me everyday, like CLOSE FRIENDS.

Okay, can. I let it be.
You use words to make me feel close.
When I said I feel alone in the group, I feel left out.
You said: You still got me
When I said, nobody will like the art piece I drew.
You said: I do. Seriously.
You said you will repay me for all the things I did for you because you felt embarrassed to be my friend.
I said its okay, but you insisted on treating me. So where is the tauhuey store you mentioned?

My normal friend,
all you said were nothing but lies.
My heart hurts like shit. Not because I like you.
Can you imagine that I tried sleeping at 2300 last night, cried in my bed for almost 2 hours and waited for another 1 hour before I can actually sleep?
You made such a great impact in my life, and you expect me to stop my feelings like that?

You want everything to go your way, have you thought of how I actually felt?
I am sad, angry and depressed.

&the beauty.




I wish for everything to be the same


December 2012
January 2013
July 2014


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.