you're a mystery yourself
Monday, July 28, 2014
11:02 PM

I simply felt that I should write everything down to record how I felt towards all these incidents that have happened. I thought that these people would be the people whom I will be travelling with in Vegas, rooming with in Vegas. But things will never go as planned. As soon as the second year starts, my friendships crumbled. One that hurts me the most is the one with the best friend whom I thought will be with me for the rest of my life, literally.

He is a person of another race. I've never had a close friend like this, not to mention a guy friend in this case. We shared everything under the sun and talked to each other basically 24/7. Last year, this time, he told me that he was starting to fall for someone. I decided to do everything I can to help him. At least IMO, I did. They've gotten close and now, they are official for almost a year.

But where did that friendship gone to? He was troubled for a period because there was someone bothering that relationship, and as a close friend, I decided to stand by him. But in return, I think I've gotten hatred from the entire clique. And him, without telling me anything, left. No farewell messages or whatsoever. The last message I received from him was a thank you message for the t-shirt I gave him for his birthday. And I had to ask someone else to pass it to him in this case. And a day after that, I realized that he blocked me on whatsapp. 'If that's what he wants, I will give it to him'; that was the one thing on my mind. We are no longer friends, no longer acquaintances. Merely strangers.

Perhaps I was behaving like a kid. Being childish, like a sister not wanting her older brother to be snatched away. I wanted all the attention all me. If I could, I would have turn back in time and stop everything from occurring. Because he is one of the people I never want to lose. My dear brother.\

Sorry for being such a childish brat. Sorry if I caused any trouble for all of you. Thanks for all the memories that you have given me. Happy or sad, I will treasure them. Because as of now, you are the one brother whom I acknowledged with all my heart.

After 15 August, maybe I will never see you again, maybe I will. So here's me wishing you all the best for your future endeavors. I loved you, my brother. Thank you and sorry.

Hello and Goodbye.

&the beauty.




I wish for everything to be the same


December 2012
January 2013
July 2014


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.